Serbian Cup Day - 2008
35 Players. 24 Deg; great golfing weather.
The course, for the 2nd year running, was suffering from the drought. It was optional tee-up on the fairways, but
the greens were in pretty good nick.
A great turn out considering "Boxing Day" fell on a Tuesday this year.
A lot of old faces, and some new.
Congratulations to Zoran Dislenkovic for his Serbian Cup win and Zoran Mitic who again won the Rade Jaksic memorial
by posting a "lazy" 63 off the stick. And Ron Bath who won the Callaway competition, again. All deserved winners.
To the ladies and gentlemen who provide a great post-game function at the church hall in Geelong, we thank you for
a fantastic lunch as usual and your great hospitality.
Serbian Cup Winner:
Zoran Dislenkovic
Runner Up:
Peter Kaladjurdjevic
Rade Jaksic Memorial Trophy Winner:
Zoran Mitic
Callaway Winner:
Ron Bath